This recipe is sweetness itself. It's a comforting, gourmet, gluten-free dish. It reminds me of my Grandfather's knees, whom I thank and to whom I send all my love!
- 300g of special Arborio rice for risotto
- Organic vegetable broth: 2 cubes in 1 L of warm water
-150g of parmesan cheese
- 450g of mushrooms in melancholy of your choice
- 1 onion or shallot
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 3 sprigs of parsley
- Salt and pepper to your liking (be careful, the broth is already salty)
-Some borage flowers
-A few fresh basil leaves
The delicious recipe:
1- To prepare the mushrooms, brush them, dry them and cut them into strips.
Sauté the minced garlic clove, add the mushrooms and let them cook for about 3 minutes, adding the washed and chopped parsley at the end. Add salt and pepper and set aside.
2- Do the same with the asparagus (without parsley) and set aside.
3 - Heat one liter of water in which you will dilute the vegetable bouillon cubes. In a frying pan, heat the olive oil to barely brown the chopped onion for 2 minutes and add the rice, stirring until it is slightly transparent.
4- Add a ladleful of broth as you go and mix.
Once the broth is well absorbed, add another ladle, and so on until the broth is exhausted (about 20 minutes).
5- Add half of the Parmesan and half of the mushrooms, wait 2 minutes and mix until smooth.
To finish, serve in a beautiful plate:
Add the rice, the rest of the mushrooms and the two asparagus that you have warmed up, then place the long shavings of parmesan cheese detailed with a vegetable peeler on top.
Decorate with your borage flowers, minced basil and a drizzle of raw olive oil.
Serve hot. Enjoy!
This was our lunch at the last yoga teacher training! An ecstasy!