Yoga School Bretagne

Sunshine Vegetable Cake

For vegetables:

1 red onion

1 zucchini

Some olives

½ red bell pepper

Lemon thyme

2cs of pine nuts

Thinly slice the vegetables, sauté them in olive oil, season with salt and pepper and set aside.


For the device:

3 eggs 

50 g rice flour

30 g buckwheat flour

20 g chickpea flour

10cl of soy milk

10 cl of olive oil

150 grams of grated Gruyere cheese

2 tbsp finely chopped chives

1 sachet of gluten-free baking powder

30 g butter; Salt/pepper


Break the eggs into a bowl, beat them, then add the flour and mix.

Add the 10 cl of milk, the 10 cl of olive oil, salt and pepper. Work the dough until it is homogeneous. Add the Gruyère cheese and chives, then the yeast. Butter the pan and cook for 40 minutes at 180°.

Bon appétit, fill up on sun-drenched vegetables!

Om surya!!!

This was our lunch a few days ago during the Yoga Teacher Training 

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