Your personal Year and a complete understanding of your numbers and rituals for 2025!...
19th to 30th - March 2025 -Nyepi
✨Get ready for an Initiatory Process of Awakening, to grow your Anchorage, your Intuition, your Heart of Compassion in contact with a Balinese tradition anchored in its rituals and offerings on a daily basis!
Harmony Hannigan, Ivan Houssay, Audrey Fiorini, Swami Vagishananda
This retreat of physical and spiritual transformation is offered to you in a context of great beauty and benevolence.
Group sessions, teachers and initiations will enable you to integrate yoga as an art of living and personal development.
April 11 to 20, 2025
✨Apath of body awakening and Consciousness to embody your Spirituality : Yoga
Bénédicte Zanon, Ivan Houssay, Audrey Fiorini, Swami Vagishananda
The "Yoga & Vedanta" teacher training course at Vidya Tirtham is an exploratory study of the space of Self-Knowledge, Jnanam, through the different Yoga styles.
You must be ready for great physical and emotional transformations, for the melting of the ego, like a two-sided coin that we will recast in the light of the Tools of Vedanta! meditation and the Vedanta Art of Living.
It offers an exclusive Yoga Alliance® certification program, evolving over 200-300-500h.
April 25 to 27, 2025
✨Livean initiatory process through the 3 great Archetypes of the Sacred Feminine of the Hindu Goddesses to align yourself with your Dharma & open your Life path!
Audrey Fiorini & Docteur Le Guenno
Meditations on our different stages of Womanhood in constant growth
May 9 to 11, 2025
✨TheEmpowered Man
Ivan Houssay Indra & Jorge Alvares - Mentoring for men
"There are times when you may feel confused, don't worry, everything is fine."
A path of awakening Consciousness to embody your Spirituality
Integrate a TransFormation Cursus to energize you to put Magic in your Life and inspire you to create your Reality
Plunge into the heart of the teachings in a place conducive to immersion and set out to meet your practice thanks to expert teachers and retreats and training courses that open you up to an Initiatic Process of Awakening, to grow your Anchoring, your Intuition, your Heart of Compassion!
By following our Yoga Teacher Training and Diavandha® Practitioner Training courses, you automatically become a member of the Vidya Tirtham Vedic Center.
This gives you the right to use our name and our for your yoga classes, to be listed in our directory of certified teachers and Divandha Practitioners and to be supported at all times.
accompanied students
years of experience
Trained Sama Yoga teachers and Divandha practitioners
Leading ashrams in India and the United States
Center Francais référence Sama Yoga
Audrey and Ivan will accompany you throughout your process in your search for physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual blossoming to :
Put more awareness into your choices, so that your Life is aligned with your script, the Prarabdha & decipher what the infinitely intelligent Order wants best for you
Understand the meaning of what drives you, the best scenario that 1 has planned for you! (script)
Nourish your Spirituality and enable you to embody it in your daily life: Bring the spirit down into matter: Ishwaraize your Life ....
Discover spaces that allow you to transcend your fears, beliefs and limitations and obtain inner guidance
The school vibrates in the values of Dharma and Equanimity: SAMA.
Vedanta is the final part of the Vedas, treatises of knowledge and sacred texts of ancient India.
Vedanta is offered in a more philosophical, spiritual, enlightenment light.
Our Arsha Vidya Lineage, through Vedanta, reveals that the nature of the Self is free of all limitations, so that one can be truly happy without condition, Ananda... and free: Moksha!
The advantages are numerous. First of all, it allows you to spend entire days bathed in a space of benevolence, study and knowledge without distraction of any kind, far from old habits. At the Vidya Tirtham Vedic Center, we welcome you to a sanctuary of peace, meditation and self-discovery, applied. You are "immersed" in the heart of Brittany between lakes and forests with the presence of animals: horses, hares, deer that make this center, an ark of hatching and a natural therapeutic way.
... And because repetition is the mother of knowledge!
Your training is financeable and can be taken care of!
"I can only express again and again my infinite gratitude, bowing in deepest reverence, sharing the love and blessings I have received from my Awakening & Vedanta mentors, my teachers and guides Swami Vagishananda and Dayananda, to share in turn with you, the sacred journey of life towards UNconditioned Harmony: Ananda ."
Audrey - Anandi
Doctors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, therapists, Swami and Yogis
The Vedic Center here in France, linked to the Coimbatore Ashram in India and the Saylorsburg Ashram in the United States, offers you 30 years of experience.
Audrey Fiorini - Anandi is the founder of the Yoga School Bretagne and the Vidya Tirtham Center. She offers you today the tools of Knowledge, Jnanam, well-being and Realization through Vedanta & Sama Yoga (Sama: the center in Sanskrit).
At the age of 20, Audrey Fiorini decides to live her childhood call: to go to India, to the land of wisdom where she lives in the Ashram and chooses to dedicate her Life to Vedanta, to Health, to Yoga
She met the Vedic teachings of Swami Vagisananda Sarasvati for many months, from Shree Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati to Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in Anaikatti, Coimbatore. Sama Yoga, a line of fluidity and grace, inspires him with the richness and depth of the teachings of the Yoga School.
She was introduced to Shree Radhaji, Dr. Carol Whitfield Ph.D. who became one of her mentors. She guided her in psychology, child inner work and meditation.
It is in the light of these sacred appointments that she shares with you the most precious and true to her Heart.
Ivan Houssay is co-founder of the Yoga School Bretagne. He is one of those men who have made the choice to balance their Life of Matter and their Life of Spirit.
Yogi committed on the voice of the Unity and the practice since more than 15 years, he is this invaluable Devata who will know how to inspire the Man as the Woman.
His career as a consultant in Ecology and Permaculture has served local and international ecological balances for 20 years, notably through the implementation of the SAGE Scorff (water management and development plan) within the Scorff basin and the development of Ecolieux in France and Indonesia.
It is a body yoga , fluid and energetic, inspired by the authentic teachings of the Vedic traditions. The Asana (posture) is at the service of Equanimity: SAMA.
The art of living (Vedanta) is transmitted during the practice. Pranayamas (breath exercises) are at the center of every session, a condition for the proper physiological functioning of organs and tissues.
It gives you access to your good health for life, a condition to support your promise of Awakening.
Vedanta says,
"You are the whole, you are full and complete as you are.
You are already everything you want to be.
You are the Gold, in and through all the ornaments.
You are programmed for freedom now: Moksha. This is what every being ultimately seeks in life, freedom from pain and suffering, Liberation.
It is a deep and precise practice, a practical application of the "Science of Energy", the basis of Tantra, which aims at the awakening of the Energy/Consciousness or Kundalini, potentially present in man.
Deep postural practices on the floor in the pelvic openings, a great mastery of balance in standing postures, and a meticulous awareness of the carefully peeled breath are the essence of precision that Indra your teacher shares with you.
Keep up to date with the latest news: upcoming workshops, trainings, courses, blog posts and recipes...
Audrey brings to her classes a gentle, caring quality of presence that is so inspiring. The work of the positions associated with the breaths leads to deep benefits in the body. The classes lead me to an openness to myself and to others, make me feel joy and serenity and their beneficial effect lasts throughout the week.
Read more...Geneviève
Audrey is a wonderful spiritual guide. She inspires me a lot and I thank the Universe because she has made my path bloom! It now has a sweet scent of jasmine and softness... Yoga goes far beyond the framework of the classes, it is in my daily life, present from the morning and at every moment of my life, in my meetings, whatever the circumstances.
Read more...Karine M
I left over 40 years of anti-inflammatories! In a few months of yoga with Audrey, I am a new person! Since my ice skating accident at the age of 5, my back pain was terrible, I was taking strong anti-inflammatory drugs almost every day, plus a box of doliprane per week, my stomach was in a catastrophic state! Today, thanks to Yoga with Audrey, after one year, all my back pain has disappeared. It is a rebirth.
Read more...Irena
A proverb says that the door to change opens from within. With each meeting with Audrey I came out either more serene or with new keys to move forward in the knowledge of my potential. Thank you for this kindness; thank you for the requirement.
Read more...François Q