Yoga School Bretagne

Divandha Practitioner Training

Healing Tools and Vision Opening

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Training according to the Divandha® Method
Presential & Direct Online

Start session 2025-2026 June 19, 2025
Apply now!!!


✨It's open to all, healthcare professionals and non-professionals alike, on Application.

 ✨The foundation and essence of the training is born from Vedanta, the Vedic & shamanic teachings

✨It compiles knowledge from the Vedas, India's oldest treatises on Self-knowledge, vision openings and Shamanic dialogues from the Himalayas and Native American Pilamalayas, and tools for personal and spiritual development.

✨This is a path of awakening Consciousness, to embody your Healing spirituality in harmony with the natural impulse 

Divandha = Divine Incarnate and manifested in the human plane


✨Open Vision & connect to your Divine Essence, Divandha, connecting to the Magic of Life

✨Understand your emotional, transgenerational and karmic programs and functionings in order to maintain or restore Global Health.

✨Compile practical healing tools for body and soul (physical, emotional symptoms).

✨Open the heart of Compassion and the Vision, clear seeing and clear hearing necessary for an evolving Life of expansion and Harmony

✨Understand and Create a space of virtuous exchange between our Personality (Ankara: the Ego), our Innermost Being, and the Other.

✨ Impelling conscious actions aligned with who we are: The Prarabdha

Divandha: making the invisible visible

In our human world of relationships, Divandha® training will enable you to :

✨anInitiatory Process of Awakening, to grow your Anchoring, your Intuition, your Heart of Compassion

✨Find your place by opening your perceptions and Visions : Your Siddhi

✨Make more conscious choices, so that your Life is aligned with your script, the Prarabdha & decipher what the infinitely intelligent Order wants best for you. 

✨Understand the meaning behind what drives you, the best scenario 1 has planned for you! (script) 

✨Nourish your Spirituality and enable you to embody it in your daily life: Bringing spirit down into matter: Ishwaraizing your Life 

meditative woman

Because :

✨You aspire to Spiritualize your Human Life & Live your contributor

✨Vous voulez Vivre Dayam, la Bienveillance

✨You want regular guidance in your life to support you in your transitions :Sandhi

✨You want to experience encounters that inspire you to manifest the highest expression of yourself

✨You want to discover spaces that allow you to transcend your fears, beliefs and limitations and get inner guidance

✨You are here to Realize Being - Atman


The Divandha Training format:


You will take part in this Cycle 1 Practitioner Training course, which lasts a total of 40 hours of group work and 50 hours of personal work.

On the way, jewels, resistances, tears and laughter: in short Jnanam (Self-knowledge)!!! ... courage, strength ... then the grace to reach the space of Peace and Joy ... inherent



Module 1 - Introduction: State of Play and Opening of the Canal
  • First link to the Being
  • Discovery of the meditation space; the "Script": Prarabdha
  • The elements of influence in your daily life (+ and -)
  • Available Siddhis or "powers": Discovering & Awakening the "4 Clairs".

We are here to activate the wonder world and the guidance system.

Module 2 - The Perfect 5 and the Power of Formulation
  • Understanding of emotional patterns, projection/reflection principles
  • What is the grip of the 5 senses : Pancha Indriyas
  • Mental and postures of objectivity / subjectivity = Mithya
  • Perfect 5 Tool

We are here to understand our perception/transmission tools

Module 3 - Dialogue with the Mineral: Principle of Resistance & Healing
  • Opening to dialogue with the mineral kingdom
  • What is the memory it contains (transgenerational)
  • Rituals
  • Dialogue sharing: Vagisham
  • Incorporating the intelligence of the mineral: my evolution/stagnation pattern

We are here to understand the principle of resistance, to play with it!

Module 4 - The different areas of my life: Cabinet tools
  • My Construction Tree : 7 branches of the tree : 7 domains
  • Nourish each branch
  • Harvesting the fruits: Drishta Phalam / Adrishta Phalam

We are here to feed and be fed

Module 5 - Three intelligences, 5 Sacred Vedic Duties: Pancha Maha Yajna
  • The 3 Brains
  • Zones of influence in my life: ZI and ZNI
  • 5 Sacred Duties & Subconscious Breathing

We are here to activate my intelligence constantly and put them at the service of harmony

Module 6 - Opening to the Vital Principle: Contribution/Bhakta
  • To die to my Ankara personality, in order to live what is most divine within me
  • Understand our little deaths and be reborn (the apple tree)
  • Meditation to death : Niryana
  • My contribution in this incarnation: Bhakta
  • All the faces of Ishwara, beyond the visible

We are here to be reborn each day by getting out of bed and contributing!!!

Module 7 - Dialogue with the Vegetable / Deva of Nature
  • The Sangye Menla Healer's Tool 
  • The plant serves the man.
  • Vegetal = the silence of consciousness Focused clairvoyant: Bhoota Yajna
  • Claire audience

We are here to activate our own healing principle

Module 8 - Divandha session protocol
  • Divandha treatment protocol
  • The qualities of a Divandha Practitioner
  • Opening in the Akashic Portals
  • Practice in Trinomes

We are here to "see clearly": Vivekam

Module 9 - Multiple planes of being, "who am I"?

Devi/Deva; Keshi/Kesha

  • 3 levels of dialogues: Mananas, Kayena, Vaca
  • 2 planes of being : Personality Ankara / Divinity Paramatman
  • What is the ego that everyone talks about: meditation
  • Devi/Deva; Keshi/Kesha
  • Prati/Pachta , use of inverses

We are here to Be. I am a Human Being

Module 10 - Posture of the Healer: Shamanic Vision
  • Hominal Kingdom: Shamanic & Vedic Vision
  • Format of a session 
  • Principles of Mutual Honors: Paras Param

I am here to be in my place in my virtuous contribution: Maha Bhakta Bhavanam


Sending of audios and PDFs, independent practice program, exercises and follow-ups. 


Audrey Fiorini: I share with you 25 years of study of the various "medicines of the soul and body", compiled throughout my travels, through Naturopathy, Psychonomy, Himalayan and Amerindian shamanic initiations, Akashic readings and Shamanic Vision. We offer each other the freedom to navigate the program together according to what is dictated by Ishwara or the inspiring Masters during the course of the training.

Dates 2024-2025


  • Module 1: June 6, 2024
  • Module 2: July 4, 2024
  • Module 3: September 12, 2024
  • Module 4: October 10, 2024
  • Module 5: November 7, 2024

    The 2025 dates will be sent to you when we're together.


10 morning modules, from 9am to 12:30pm (Paris time), 3am (Quebec time)

One Thursday morning a month, for 10 months.
As for the first promotions, it is possible to follow the training by Zoom live if you live abroad or too far away to travel to Brittany.


Entries Entries

Formule Présentiel où
direct en ligne
Registration conditions

The commitment is for the entire course, i.e. 10 modules over 1 year.

2297 €

Registration includes :

  • A minimum of 1 Akashic session before the start of the course + 3 Akashic sessions during the course are required.
  • The session can be face-to-face or by Zoom: 117€ / session (not included in the training price).
  • This work is essentially relational. Developing our quality of presence within the space for ourselves and the collective space is of the utmost importance. We'll learn the steps needed to anchor our presence, open the space for listening, and be. All that is perceived takes place in the invisible and the unknown. Our ability to remain present in the unknown is the essence of this work. Our posture will always be non-interventionist, ethical and honest. 
  • Payment by link or bank transfer finalized before the start of the course, with the option of payment in 3 instalments.

Formulas Digitales!
Special offer until November 30

3 Formulas including 2 in Digital have just been created for 2024!

  • Example of the Swarna Program:
    27 videos from 30 to 70 min
    Teaching Booklet :
    79 Pages
    15 Meditations/Rituals for manifestation and vision opening
    10 Teachings to become a Divandha Practitioner
    10 Frequential Alignments
    An exercise book between each Module
    All the bonuses of the LOTUS pack
    10 live Web Conferences/Workshops of 1h15 each
    (1 group follow-up per month at 8pm)
    3 individual 1h15 Akashic Divandha sessions


With all my Reverence to my Teachers and Masters, Accharia, they who passed on to me these priceless Jewels and knowledge, which I have the honor of offering in my turn.
Om to Swamiji Vagishananda and Swami Dayananda Saraswati.

I am at your disposal for any further information.
Divandha : to make the invisible visible

Hari Om Tat Sat

May we all grow and learn forever! Train yourself, retrain yourself, learn about yourself, acquire healing tools and good health practices! The training is certifying.

Divandha Testimonials

Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne - Régis A.

Régis A.

The teachings of the Divandha Practitioner Training course have enabled me to deepen my understanding of the world, of how people function, of myself, and to open up to a much larger space than the limited characters we believe ourselves to be. The integration of these teachings has enabled me to step back in my daily life, reacting less, understanding more and opening up more, at home and at work with loved ones. Our intimate sharing and feedback between students, in a caring space, is a very important and comforting moment in each module.

Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne - Laurence R.

Laurence R.

I signed up for the Divandha Practitioner Training on a whim, and my intuition guided me towards this course. I listened to this inner voice with the aim of working on myself, learning to know myself better, moving towards a brighter life. My most beautiful memory is "the day I died...". Audrey helped me to let go of all those parts of myself that I had to let go of... I came to some very profound understandings. Learning to die in order to be reborn is a priceless gift. I retain a lot of wisdom in the teachings, and great moral values. Audrey gives us the tools of Vedic philosophy to calm our hearts and our relationships. Now I know what I need to change. So many flowers have been planted and are blooming.

Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne - Sonia C.

Sonia C.

During an akashic healing session with Audrey, I asked her if I was "legitimate" to sign up for the Training. I sensed that this training would guide me and help me find the answers and tools to finally understand my deeper BEING. Halfway through the course, I'm so happy and full of gratitude for having been able to integrate this constellation. Enrolling in this training brings me the answers and understanding to these connections I've been feeling for several years. I feel changed, I've learned to let go of resistance and turn the light on even brighter. My most beautiful memory is the feeling of liberation I got from my tears and the non-judgment of the group. Letting the floodgates open and feeling in the perfect place at the perfect time with the right people.

Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne - Delphine G.

Delphine G.

I signed up for the course with the strong intention that it would help me to reveal myself and dare to Be. I set these intentions right from the 1st module. Thanks to your wonderful teachings, Audrey, my heart has opened up more and more, and I've learned to center myself in my heart, to align myself more and more easily. And I've had some wonderful encounters in the constellation! My inner guidance became very strong, leading me to dare to offer some people long-distance energy healing. Since then, I feel like I'm at the start of a new adventure in which I let my soul express itself, and where I feel fully at my place, filled with great inner peace. Many thanks to you both for your kindness, your joy and your teachings, Thank you for being. Merci d'Etre. Truly. Looking forward to meeting you again

Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne - Déborah, Physiotherapist


- Physiotherapist -

I signed up for the training because it gave me the opportunity to go, in consciousness, to meet my deepest self by being guided and by learning to use practical and easy-to-use self-knowledge tools in my daily life. These tools are very useful when I am faced with a situation where emotions are expressed. The tools allow me to find the right distance and to find a more just position for myself. We also made trips to meet the mineral, plant and animal worlds, sometimes surprising, questioning, but always benevolent contacts. The exchanges with the group also allowed us to get to know each other and helped us to move forward personally. My most beautiful personal memory is the state of deep well-being felt during the alignment with Devi, my deep being observing my Keshi "self" in alignment. Yes, this training is to be recommended for those who are looking for their deep inner self.

Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne - Bénédicte . Z

Benedict . Z

I had a strong call without really knowing why and without knowing Yoga School Bretagne before! I felt that it spoke to me deep inside! What I thought I was looking for was to find the Vedic teaching and to continue to learn and transmit, to be on my path! I retain a benevolent accompaniment in the softness and deepness. I retain the power of the mirrors all together. Concrete tools to move forward, connect, heal, remember, be. What has changed is more confidence, more tools, more love, more understanding to be closer to oneself! My most beautiful memory that touched me a lot was at the very beginning to be together. One of the first main postulates is posed (with my understanding): "Instead of being in rivalry ( conscious or unconscious), honor and admire the qualities of others because it is honor and admiration for yourself!" I 100% recommend the training.

Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne - Marine


At first I wanted to register for the Divandha training to learn how to be in harmony with myself and everything around me, and to learn how to heal myself, in order to one day heal others (from the inside). And I was not disappointed! Through this training I learned to open up to myself, to assimilate gems of wisdom and compassion and to sacralize my daily life. I came out of this training grown and grateful. I have learned a lot. And this teaching is a wonderful gift that I had the pleasure to offer myself. Moreover, wishing to become a healer, I know that this training will help me a lot in my future practice. I have learned to heal myself internally, and I will continue to practice the knowledge I have acquired to live a healthy and harmonious life in respect of others and my divinity. Thank you! If I had to do it all over again, I would do it without hesitation.

Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne - Geneviève P. Physician

Geneviève P.

- Doctor -

I signed up for the training because it gave me the opportunity to go, in consciousness, to meet my deepest self by being guided and by learning to use practical and easy-to-use self-knowledge tools in my daily life. These tools are very useful when I am faced with a situation where emotions are expressed. The tools allow me to find the right distance and to find the right position for me. We have also traveled to meet the mineral, plant and animal worlds, sometimes surprising, questioning, but always benevolent contacts. The exchanges with the group also allowed us to get to know each other and helped us to progress personally. My most beautiful personal memory: the state of deep well-being felt during the alignment with Devi, my deep being observing my Keshi "self" in alignment. Yes, this training is to be recommended for those who are looking for their deep inner self.

Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne - Françoise Le F. and Bruno Le D. Architect - Town planner

Françoise Le F. and Bruno Le D.

- Architect - Urban planner -

Audrey's teaching allowed us to perceive that each encounter or event in our life is only a symbolic manifestation of ourselves, of the whole, for our awakening. With my senses awake, I put more sense, more awareness. What Audrey's teaching offers us is a real toolbox to use in our daily lives: To refine the reading, the understanding of the life that flows through us, to discern illusion / deep nature of our being, and also to distill the sacred in all our acts, to reposition ourselves with benevolence at the center of our own life, to be sacred to ourselves. It is also an encounter with worlds, whose access until then was ignored: To meet an inner peace, an immense and sparkling joy, thanks to the possible link, until then unsuspected and yet so much desired with the various Kingdoms: Mineral, Vegetal, Animal... Luminous experiences, which reveal our reunion, our history, our common origins, which open us to other dimensions of the world less familiar, to other realities, to another reflection of the whole, to a knowledge of oneself. "Once upon a time... " There are so many languages, dialogues, perceptions to discover in the subtle relationships we weave with the whole. Audrey brings us a precious, practical, poetic and luminous knowledge that accompanies us in life, and gives us the capacity to evolve, to grow. Each Divandha session is like a firefly, which together form a garland that accompanies, illuminates, and guides our path of being, of life.