Yoga School Bretagne

Sessions offered by Yoga School Bretagne


The Akashic Readings

I am honored! During the session, we will let the deep being project come and mature in each soul and until we are there, we never know what will happen!!!

As we cross the valleys, we reach the mature spaces that allow us to access and serve our Prarabdha (the true individual script). Akasha contains everything.

By appointment, online via web conferencing, or in person at the Cabinet when possible, the Akashic session opens the door to fine-tuned listening to your needs and their answers.


Duration: 1h30

Format: Online or in person at the office by appointment

Conditions: Maximum 12 people


Whether it is physical, relational or emotional, we welcome "this Project of the Deep Being" in meditation, the one that is part of Prarabdha Karma, in the different areas of your life to 

"Good health is keeping a bright dialogue with your body, your Heart and all your loved ones around"

Anandi, Audrey Fiorini. Yoga teacher and Naturopath HPG.

Release old limiting cellular memories

Restoring the understanding of our unlimited Being: Purnat

Activating full health, full potential: Purnamida

According to Vedanta, your Nature is omniscient now, unlimited and unconditional in revealing its primordial essence of full health and full potential. We unveil and allow this fundamental to express itself in all strata of your Being and your Life.

We can arrange a ZOOM session together, needing to know where you are, for the time difference.

Payment 48 hours in advance.

In other words, we go through the biological decoding, the cellular reprogramming.

Symptom = Project!
Problem = Challenge!
Emotion = Movement = Expansion!


Anandi - is a Naturopath (HPG) with a specialty in Psychonomics (parallel branch of Micro-Kinesitherapy) and Jin Shin Jyutsu (Japanese medicine) since 2002. Her Himalayan and Amerindian shamanic initiations have opened up a free vision of time and space.

"So the Karmic planes are open, so that there is the widest possible access to information; these are the Akashic Readings."


Rates :

  • 1h30 individual session: €117 for France, in person or by Zoom (rates per country) worldwide.
  • During a follow-up of 10 sessions spaced 3 weeks/1 month apart, it's a commitment to your being, the seat of the Self! 1053 €


"Let your seconds be pearls of joy, so that your day is the Mala".


What are Akashic Healing Circles?

Together, we will let the Collective project of the deep being come and mature in each soul and until we are there, we never know what will happen!!!

As we cross the fertile valleys, we reach the mature spaces that allow us to access and serve our Collective Prarabdha Karma (the true collective script). Akasha contains everything.

We will be together for 2H30, maximum 12 people, by Zoom, which you will receive the link to when you register.

3 Circles will be held on the themes of SAFETY & FREEDOM 


Duration: 2h30

Format: Online on Zoom 

Conditions: Maximum 12 people


Abhayam is the absence of fears, deep security: Where does it fit in these times of rewriting the collective script? What are the conditions for our deep security? 

How can we accept these conditions when they come from an external authority, human or Divine?

How to identify insecurities or fears and understand that they are a dynamic Energy, to transform them into powerful and humble creative action?


In the Vedic tradition, we enter deeply into this subject, then alternating between Akashic meditation and the chanting of Sacred Mantras, the plunge into the Being and the intention for the Self, The World and Ishwara*.


Moksha is the state of unconditional freedom, free from dependence on enslaving desires and pleasures. Obviously, Kama: Pleasures/desires are a prosperous creative energy, Krishna, but they remain positive as long as they do not condition our Happiness.


We will therefore welcome in the greatest objectivity, the elements that may still be unidentified and that still hold you in dependencies and create repetitive loops and patterns of illusory limitations, to entrust them to Ishwara, the infinite giver, the Omniscient Universal Order and allow the dive into the natural manifestation of your Siddhi, your super powers.


*Ishwara : the infinite universal order

3rd circle in surprise to come at the Vidya Tirtham center

Who are the Akashic Healing Circles for?

This cycle is open to all those who have chosen the following values: 

Commitment, listening to each share, disposition to compassion and support through the loving gaze, posture of non-comparison and non-competition, abandonment and Joy, Ananda: Joy without Reason.

Om Anandi

Maharishi massage 1hr30, with Claire, our Ayurveda Therapist.

All massages and treatments are performed using high quality traditional medicated oils (Thailams) imported from Kottakkal in Kerala, South India.

This rare and spiritually complete massage is taught only by the most traditional Ayurvedic doctors according to ancient techniques handed down from generation to generation by the Bramanes.

All massages and treatments are performed using high quality traditional medicated oils (Thailams) imported from Kottakkal in Kerala, South India.


Duration: 1h30

Format: Face-to-face

Benefits: Toning, highly rejuvenating, detoxifying and complete

This rare and spiritually complete massage is taught only by the most traditional Ayurvedic doctors according to ancient techniques handed down from generation to generation by the Bramanes.

This traditional massage uses a healing touch named after one of the world's most revered Maharishis, Agastya. The tactile sensations are different all over the body, to give the organs and nerves new and finer perceptions, to keep the mind focused and to encourage a return to the self. This massage spiritually purifies the whole body. It is considered the most "delicious".

It is a way to rebalance the doshas. Toning, highly rejuvenating, detoxifying and comprehensive, it creates emotional balance and helps to cleanse old emotions, and removes mental and energetic blockages. Very relaxing, it is both strong and invigorating. Traditional oils are specially selected for each client according to their Ayurvedic constitution.

I make an appointment

Ktkali massage with Anna, our Psycho-Energist Therapist (For me Shamane- Anandi)

This deep massage uses energy to re-establish a privileged dialogue with one's cells, and to create a space of new possibilities out of the ordinary. It aims to regenerate tissues, relax, reconnect with oneself and improve fluid circulation.

This ayurvedic treatment is accompanied by hot oil, essential oils, incense, Tibetan bowl and crystal bowl.

Relaxation - Peaceful sleep - Cellular regeneration - Vitality++ - Longevity++ - Improvement of skin quality - Detoxification - Increase of the 3 fires: Sacred (elimination), Digestive (assimilation) and Affective (respiratory)

I make an appointment


Duration: 1h30

Format: Face-to-face

Benefits : Regenerate your energy, reconnect to yourself