Yoga School Bretagne

Orange Juice Day 3 !

During a Fast, it is important to vary the types of Juices you drink, if you have chosen to include them in your Fast.

Here is an Orange Juice that brings energy with the citrus fruits, detoxify the digestive system with the CURCUMA which inhibits the multiplication of a bacterium responsible for ulcer, Helicobacter pylori. This antibacterial effect is amplified by its immunostimulant and antioxidant properties.

Apples and carrots help to improve the skin. Beta-carotene slows down the aging process and improves the skin condition. Rich in antioxidants, the carrot reduces bad cholesterol! While Borage hasemollient, softening, depurative, sudorific and diuretic properties . It is good all that!

The Ingredients

  • 1 large, juicy, ripe orange
  • 5 young carrots
  • 1 nice firm apple
  • 2 small fingers of turmeric (or 1 if you have very long fingers!)
  • 5 borage flowers


Strain everything in the extractor, finishing with the orange. I recommend the Omega extractor.

It's delicious! Get ready to sweat a bit with this juice on this 3rd day of Detox, that's what we want, as well as keep the heat in.


Good Tapas to all the Yogis!

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