Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne
Domaine de Coat Cren
Vidya Tirtham Vedic Center
56 160
If you would like more information or to register, leave us a message with your request and contact information and we will call you back as soon as possible!
Carpools are organized regularly on site
To find a carpool to come to the Center
Blablacar connects drivers and passengers who want to share a ride
Anandi - Audrey Fiorini & Ivan Houssay
Founders of Domaine de Coat Cren & Yoga School Bretagne
Audrey: Naturopath Heilpraktiker HPG, Senior Vedanta Teacher, Akashic Reading Companion
Ivan: Environmental trainer and advisor, Kundalini Sama Yoga teacher, co-director Domaine de Coat Cren
Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne
Domaine de Coat Cren
Vidya Tirtham Vedic Center
56 160