To be in Love is to choose, with our whole being, someone with whom we want to grow and create.
When we fall in love for the first time, we can be amazed at how perfect the loved one is for us, perhaps the answer to our prayer. The beloved can become a portal to the infinite, for love is infinite, and the beloved is the sacred mirror that shares this divine energy. With the beloved, we step out of the safety of our own skin and open our hearts to communicate from soul to soul.
"But being in Love isn't about imagining a fantasy ideal, a partner who ticks boxes."
A couple's relationship is about choosing to grow and awaken, it's about opening your heart, letting go of your ideals even! And then it's about laying yourself bare, being vulnerable to love and giving "Out of Fullness".
So what we're interested in is how to make the relationship last, how to make it solid, sweet and honest!
Because living as a couple, being together and loving each other, also means facing up to challenges, making choices, embracing emotions, generating change...
The sacred and transformative path of love is unique to each person.
This is the expression ofa succession of initiations, deaths and constantrebirths .
The " Sacred Couple " is therefore "an Initiated Couple for the rite". In other words, the lovers in this duo receive a Life initiation to pass in consciousness from a symbolic death to a re-N'Essence, and also to understand the passage of the Great Death.
This symbolic death corresponds for both persons of the couple to a complete restructuring of their being! I think that you have all already felt this if you have experienced the Couple!
In all cases, growth, self-discovery, expansion and communication are key.
Because Ivan, Indra and I have been walking together for 23 years now, we are today an Initiated and Sacred couple, aware of the value of the love that unites us.
We build this couple every second, over the years, each with our own wounds and insecurities, our own history, tragedies and protective strategies!
Each of us on this Earth is programmed to Love and let ourselves be Loved.
Some relationships are dazzling, burn brightly, last briefly while some couples burn with passion for life.
Sacred: the word "sanskri" means "that which is sacred" and "that which is initiated for the rite".
Couples who love each other at the beginning of their relationship might think they want a relationship that lasts a lifetime. Transformation is guaranteed.
So together we will :
- Transmuting wounds and unconscious patterns
- Developing Conscious Communication tools
- Co-creating and growing the couple
Is it possible that your relationship is "perfect as it is" and your partner is"perfect as he or she is", perfect for you right now?
What are the gifts that are offered in the difficult moments, the crises, the tears, the "deceptions"? This is the lesson we're meant to learn about ourselves, the only real reason for relationships !!!!
See you on September 26, 27, 28, 2025
Your Teachers :
Julien Badoil & Eugénie Couture / Audrey Fiorini & Ivan Houssay / Tom and Inga !!!