This retreat of physical and spiritual transformation has been offered to you for over 10 years, in a context of great beauty and benevolence. Our teachers have made yoga their way of life.
Anandi - Audrey, Swami Vagishananda Saraswati, have chosen to dedicate their lives to study and to a sincere and true teaching that comes from the heart.
New for this year: Meeting with a Balinese Healer and Initiation Trek - Jungle Ceremony
This "Spiritual journey" is offered to the gentle hearts and sincere students in their desire for Awakening and Self-knowledge.
It combines the exploration of Sama Yoga, Meditation, Healing of the Soul and Body, Swamiji Satsang, visiting the Healer, and Sacred Jungle Places.
"If you want something in your life that you never had,
you'll have to do something you've never done.
One month before departure, you will learn the theory of the basics of the Vedic teachings (Sama Yoga philosophy of living) and have exercises to practice.
I will transmit to you during 2 web conferences the most important aspects of the teaching of Sama Yoga. I will accompany you in your preparation for the transformations of the journey and in the development of your essential ability to live a true Transformation.
We will meet in Ubud, the international spiritual capital, and begin our Yogi experience as a group of friends determined to have a Unique Total Transformation Experience, during 2 weeks of teachings.
Sama Yoga practices will be the heart of the transmission, followed by Satsang (Vedic and Yogic philosophy of life) given by Swami Vagishananada Saraswati, a rare teacher whose life is dedicated to the oral transmission of the Vedas in their greatest authenticity. They take place in the Yoga Shala, under the Banyan tree.
The overcoming during an initiatory trek and the purification during the visit of the Balian, Balinese healer, will allow you this quantum leap on the way to your Awakening.
The massages by Balinese(es) at your request (high energy quality), will be there to accompany the body in its releases during the physical practices of Yoga.
The experience continues! After our return, we will accompany you through Zoom, so that this new transformation becomes integrated and rooted naturally and deeply in your life and your new daily life.
This Exploration is an adventure and a 2-month commitment to the group and to oneself!
For the Teachings, the initiatory Trek, the Healer Balian, spiritual accompaniment, the lift from the airport upon your arrival in Denpasar.
2550 €
Standard rate | €2550
These rates do not include accommodation: 550 € for accommodation which is organized directly with our Balinese Angel.
✨ Get ready for an Initiatic Process of Awakening in a Balinese tradition rituals and offerings ✨
Includes :
Because this retreat requires a lot of time and attention from me for each participant and because the goal is ambitious, your commitment is precious and necessary.
Different payment methods are possible, they will be transmitted to you at your request.
"How amazing it is to listen to the Satsang and meditations back from our deep journey in Bali. It fills me up and keeps me awake so much. It reminds me of our heart connection Devi & Deva I think of you every day and just want to thank you all. Even though my body is still healing, my heart is full, my mind is calm. I truly know that this time of transition is necessary and I welcome it as it is. My whole week has been such a gift, sharing with my students, my patients back in France... So profound. It is as if something has taken a higher step in me, between all of us. I love you all and wish you the best."
"Every day, as I listened to Audrey in Bali, I really felt that I was reconnecting to something that had been left hanging, as if interrupted, in a past life, and that life was offering me to continue it today... It's so beautiful. It is so great. I have a huge Gratitude for this Gift. To have recognized Audrey and to have found you. As she says we all found each other in this incarnation to continue our path... So Much Love to you all "
"I have very precious memories of these practice sessions. I believe it was with Audrey's approach that I first experienced how strength and gentleness go so well together, in a mixture of effort and relaxation. Those three hours each morning during the study stay in Bali gave both power and calm to my body and the effects are profound, during and after. Audrey's ongoing connection between the yoga postures and our own postures in our lives, in our relationship to ourselves, to others and to events has been a tremendous source of insight."
My retreat in Bali was and will remain such an important turning point in my life. During those 2 weeks, I integrated my femininity in all its wonderfulness, I made room for kindness, for listening to myself and to others, for gentleness, for compassion...
It is a second birth. My heart has truly opened to loving-kindness, to a deep respect for myself.
My masculine side (the will, courage and strength) is now at the service of this feminine, and it is a real revelation!
As a yoga teacher, the imprint of Bali will remain a great faith in the Universe, in the guidance that is now manifested in my classes, the concern for service, the concern to offer my students what they need, in the here and now, with tenderness and listening. Yoga goes far beyond the framework of the classes, it is in the daily life, present from the morning and in every moment of my life, in my meetings, whatever the circumstances.
Audrey is a wonderful spiritual guide. She inspires me a lot and I thank the Universe because she has made my path bloom! It now has a sweet scent of jasmine and sweetness...
What were your first impressions upon arriving in Bali?" I felt that the climate would play a very important role in a possible transformation. It was so hot and so different from the environment I grew up in. I was impressed because it's just an island, but it feels so vast, full of mysteries and secrets. The people who took care of us with all their heart when we arrived gave the impression that they knew this island by heart! I didn't know how to live in this place, I didn't have my bearings. After a few days, I welcomed the beauty and the fact that I was returning to abundance, which for me goes back a long way, to childhood memories.
These projections of abundance, I found them for real!
The scenery, the colors, the flowers, the fruits, the kindness of the people...I thought of abundance in the past but it was real and concrete, I just had to enjoy it.
That's what took the longest to come: I couldn't believe that it was possible and accessible.
Did Bali play a role in the transformations you mentioned?
"I felt it physically: how my body reacted to the warmth and abundance, it put me back in a place of my person that I didn't know. You meet another part of yourself. That was the most important thing because what I remember, a month later, is that I was there, in my body. But the fact that you feel physically like a different person is proof that it's just a matter of access and that it never goes away because my body is still there, it's still the same. It allows me not to lose my own potential, the one that is expanding.
Can you describe more precisely this body sensation that came to Bali?
"If I had to put words to it, it would be: solidity, expansion, comfort, strength, flexibility, a lot of ease, warmth in everything that is good about it, a lot of pleasure... I have memories of waking up there that are great! When I came out of my nights or my naps, I felt a fullness, a real physical pleasure ".
What were the moments that brought you the most during the retreat?
"What was the real driver in my transformation was the routine, rigorous, new and radical. We were not in a compromise. The idea was to do things thoroughly but never violently or brutally. The fact of having days on a repetitive model with a different content every day was very good for me. It was the structure that was good for me. I have an unstructured daily life here in Paris that sometimes twists my brain. The retreat realigned me in a very concrete way. I am still reaping the effects today. There is also the discovery of the Pujas and of prayer. This was both the most innovative thing for me and the biggest step to take. The effect of this spirituality on me was enormous, about as great as my initial resistance. It was completely unknown to me, and it is what will remain the most "Bali" for me. It is not yet something that I have managed to import into my life in such a present way. Those moments were so strong that I am still taming them and wondering how to insert them into my life."
Can you describe the transformations you experienced on site and those that occurred upon your return?
On the spot, I abandoned a kind of armor, a wounded animal armor, a defense mechanism, a protection mechanism, self avoidance mechanisms: not to be too present, not to be too visible... In fact, a lot of fears left. I heard two or three sentences that broke a real shell and I understood why fear was creating fatigue and was not constructive. I became aware of how much fear I had in me and how it was paralyzing me. It was actually suffering from the past and a fear of what was to come, of the future. It very gently let go during the retreat, especially during a conversation we had about this Mother Consciousness that is everywhere... Today in my job, this consciousness has replaced the fear. It is a sense of danger that has gone. When I put my finger on it, it faded away. I often experienced a kind of physical and psychological relaxation during vacations or trips, but when I returned it disappeared because the place determined the feeling. But here it was very deep. A month later I still feel it and in a very quiet way.
Today I put my finger on the difference between the woman who left and the one who came back: I am no longer a prey, I am powerful, I am in charge.
What changes have those around you noticed? Have they shared their feelings with you?"
"You look better", "It seems to have done you a lot of good". But the impression was always the same: how good it made me feel. What touched me the most was the fact that those around me told me that I had regained a presence, a thickness, a weight, in the good sense of the word. I was incarnated again, I was there. I had gained substance, density. It is tangible and palpable. There was also a need for stimulation that started up again: a thirst for learning, a curiosity, a thirst to buy books, to take part in workshops... My relatives saw a new movement!
Who do you think this yoga retreat is for?
"Anyone can do it, but not everyone may be at a point in their life where the impact of this retreat can be maximal. There is this feeling of being caught up in the moment: you are thirsty for it. There is something special about the pleasure of the baths, the creaming, the massages. I would advise leaving when you have reached this level of sensation.
There is a real appeal: it is the best criterion to know if the trip will be beneficial in all its dimensions.
But even if we don't have the will to transform, things happen, we always learn whatever happens...".
Can you clarify the meaning of the word "call"? A call to grow? A call to change your life?
"It's in terms of a lock, something that will blow the ceiling off. No matter how much I typed, nothing happened. I felt like I was stuck. Something was sticking. I didn't know where I was going, it was Audrey who made me leave. I said to myself "now you have to get unstuck, you have to try something else than what you know, a different approach, other ways to go forward". I felt that I had to do something radical. So my decision to leave was. Yes, it is a call to grow. It comes when we feel our potential but don't have access to it. The best version of me wasn't there. So I said to myself, "Become that person you want to be.
"If you feel the call for this incomparable awakening experience,
listen to it now and take action! Take your ticket "