Audrey Fiorini is the Founder and Creator of La Yoga School Bretagne and Centre Sagara Vidya. Today, she offers you 25 years of experience, study and teaching, transmitting the tools of Knowledge, Jnanam, well-being and Realization through Vedanta & Sama Yoga (Sama: the center in Sanskrit).
At the age of 20 (two months after obtaining her Brevet d'État d'Éducateur Sportif), she decided to live out her childhood dream: to go to India, to the land where Rudyard Kipling gave birth to his first mentor: Moogli! Today, she benevolently accompanies those who wish to return to balance and simplicity.
She discovers that it is the day of Diwali, the greatest festival of lights, on the occasion of which one offers gifts to oneself and shoots fireworks in the whole country! It is in this vast country of magic, that she will spend two years with masters like Svami Vivekananda Sarasvati (School of Kundalini Yoga-Rishikesh), Sri Rudra (Student of BKS Iyengar) in Haridwar on the banks of the Ganges, Sri Mataji Pratibha Joshi, from whom she will receive his invaluable teachings and initiations
Upon her return, she resumed her studies in France, becoming a Naturopath Heilpraktiker (HPG) with a specialization in Psychonomy (parallel branch of Micro-Kinesitherapy). She is certified in Japanese medicine, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and practices in her office for 8 years, in parallel with the yoga teachings that she gives within the association Yog'Harmonie Santé. She will follow Mothers and Babies in pre and post natal Yoga at the Clinique du Ter (Ploemeur) for 8 years, and develops a flourishing activity. Shamanic encounters punctuate and enlighten her path, with Bob Seven Crow and Smilling Bear Heart. The medium channel of vision is open and she shares it during the Divandha Practitioner Training.
Her two children were 4 and 10 years old when the Nile River called her to Asia. This flight takes the whole family, this time to Indonesia where they encounter the Vedic teachings of Swami Vagisananda Sarasvati. The heartfelt encounter with Sky Akasha Tobbias takes her to Sama Yoga, a line of fluidity and grace that inspires the richness and depth of the Yoga School's teachings.
She was introduced to Shree Radhaji, Dr. Carol Whitfield Ph.D. who became one of her mentors. She guided her in psychology, and in child inner work and meditation.
With the blessing of her teachers, she has the privilege and honor to live and study at Shree Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati's ashram for a few months, as well as at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in Anaikatti, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India , in 2017.
Today, Anandi shares Jnanam, the knowledge of the Self through teachings, rituals in the Sacred Feminine, Yoga, Vedic chants, annual Vedanta retreats, with deep love and devotion. These are real concrete keys to a lasting blossoming, perhaps even a small revolution, that of revealing your true nature of Peace and Joy: Ananda.
"You are 100% responsible for learning the Principles of Happiness, Ananda and doing whatever needs to be done to apply them, affirming them with perseverance to manifest the highest part of your Being, the bright voice of Life." Audrey, Anandi.
His life is the fruit of his firm and luminous yogic commitments and choices, synonymous with freedom, love and contribution.
His Passion, his Soul Project, his gentleness and his dedication shine through in all his offerings. Her presence and words are mind opening, gentle and exquisite as in the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. She teaches in a way that makes the most complex things easy to understand, her heart present in every word. She unfolds Jnanam, the knowledge of the Self in the Teacher Training so that it truly integrates into the body and mind and brings Wisdom to your Heart.
Sama Yoga & Vedanta is offered to you! It is born from gratitude and good health values.
Ivan Houssay is co-founder of the Yoga School Bretagne. He is one of those men who have made the choice tobalance their Life of Matter and their Life of Spirit. Yogi committed on the voice of the Unity and the practice for more than 15 years, he is this invaluable Devata who will know how to inspire the Man as the Woman. His career as a consultant in Ecology and Permaculture has been serving local and international ecological balances for 20 years, notably through the implementation of the Schéma d'Aménagement et de Gestion des Eaux du Scorff, the development of Eco-lieux in France and Indonesia.
Indra will transmit to you the fruit of the many teachings received from Swami Vagishananda Saraswati and Mahatma Ketut Arsana.
"To become aware of our Sacred Being and our Divine relationship to Nature is to Live our Unlimited potential.
Dancer, choreographer and visual artist, Bénédicte lives yoga in her cells since 2007
For 20 years through the practice of classical dance, contemporary dance, contact dance, improvised, meditative and intuitive as a dancer choreographer and researcher of movement, Yogini, she guides. Her perfect knowledge of the body, her artistic creativity embraces the external movement danced or practiced in yoga and becomes Presence. Her dedication to the study of Vedanta gives her an incomparable touch and subjacent movement of the being, of the Devi, of the Emmanence.
Dr. Geneviève Perdu, honors us with her presence for the teachings in bone anatomy and physiology of the respiratory and nervous systems.
While she has been the director of several rehabilitation centers during her career, Geneviève focuses her applied studies on balance and memory, two crucial themes for the Yogi that we are.
Her gentle presence, sharpness and listening skills give these classes a precision and logic that you will be able to apply directly to your practice and your transmissions, since she has been a Yogini herself for 20 years now at the Yoga school Bretagne.
"The body is a mystery, a complex set of sensations, expressions, movements, forms and functions. A narrative of our past, a scenario of our future unfolding."
Jean Manuel is Canadian and lives in Montreal. He has been studying and teaching the biodynamic craniosacral method and meditation since 2008.
Within the Yoga Teacher Training and Divandha Practitioner Training, he offers the understanding of The nature of sacred space is, as being at the heart of the presence of a healer, as well as a yoga teacher.
He founded and teaches the Biodynamic Touch trainings to develop listening skills, which he transmits with grace and depth at Divandha and TTC Sama Yoga & Vedanta
"We develop skills to discern the multiple root causes of suffering, as well as those of Happiness, from what we call today: diseases or health."
Educated in England but living in Spain since 2000 Harmony is the founder of Nayana Yoga, her school is closely associated with Yoga School Bretagne where she has been offering workshops and retreats since its inception.
Harmony and Anandi shared their first steps in yoga together before expanding into different areas of study, but always supporting a warm and mutual source and inspiration.
Harmony has a degree in psychology and the relevance of the psyche and emotional well-being is implicit in her teachings and individual coaching. She teaches Tantra Yoga from a non-dual perspective, valuing the importance of exploring the shadow self in the larger context of the Universal Self. Her wide range of tools includes yoga, breathing, meditation, Tandava, Mahavidya (female archetypes) and fire ceremonies.
You can explore his teachings in Spanish and English online as well as visit his retreat center in the mountains of Gredos, in central Spain.
Passionate about natural medicine, I was quickly attracted to Ayurveda, especially because of its powerful power to restore and maintain my body. This ancestral medicine became a real passion.
To continue this life path, I went to India to train with Dr. Sibichen George (Sibi) from a traditional Keralan Bhramane lineage in Bhagsunag, Himchal Pradesh, this Ayurvedic doctor, specializing in Spiritual and Classical Ayurveda expressed to me important knowledge about Ayurveda in its purest and most traditional form incorporating Ayurvedic philosophy with proven therapies, unchanged for thousands of years.
Aurore Linais grew up in the Rennes region and chose at a young age to go on an adventure to discover the vast world between Europe and the Americas before becoming a Spanish teacher in Paris.
It was at this time, and in order to relieve the stress of endometriosis, that she began to meditate diligently and to lead this new inner journey. The joy of finding herself, the immense possibilities of healing and reconnection became ritual.
Then, little by little, yoga settled into her life, in this process of global healing and body realignment, while a scoliosis questioned her earth-sky axis since childhood. Her choice to give up her career as a Spanish teacher enriched her vocation of transmission when she engaged in two absolutely complementary paths: Sama Yoga and Energetics.
Aurore teaches Sama Yoga to transmit its emotional, vibrational and spiritual essence to allow others to consider this practice as a profound healing tool. As an art of care and Self. An approach that brings physical and emotional balance, a true return to vitality.
In Yoga we take care of our life vehicle and we welcome our own history.
Today, Aurore is dedicated to teaching Sama Yoga and to her mission as an energetic therapist. She consults in person and at a distance in order to accompany anyone who wishes to reconnect to their full potential.
Cathy is a sound therapist and offers you a unique experience: the sound bath. Our inner and outer world is a form of vibration. Every living being is traversed by the vibratory energy of sound. Using gongs, crystal singing bowls and other instruments, Cathy offers you a deeply immersive, whole-body listening experience in which sound is used with the intention of creating restorative effects for body and mind. A true offering to yourself.
In addition to sound and its vibrations, Cathy also expresses her sensitivity to the world around us through photography.
She started in this artistic world with a film camera and has always had a special love for black and white photography, with its soft and contrasting grain. The Yoga School Bretagne, supported by Saraswati (the goddess of arts and knowledge), regularly highlights her work. From the fusion of these two arts: yoga and photography, is born an art of beauty.
Noé joins the team ! He is sending you his bio this WE ! It's a pleasure to have him at our side for this family adventure!
Śrī Svāmī Vāgīśānanda Sarasvatī is a senior disciple of Pūjya Śrī Svāmī Dayānanda Sarasvatī, and has been studying and teaching Vedānta since 1975.
Svāmī jī was a teenager when he became fascinated with mystical poetry and non-dualistic philosophies. So in 1975, at the age of 19, he left his home in the United States and went to India to study at a traditional Gurūkulam. After graduating from his first three-year residential course in Vedānta and Sanskrit, he took four three-year courses in the United States and India.
Using the traditional methodology called Saṁpradāya, Svāmī Vāgīśānanda "unlocks" the Vedānta scriptures, removing the veil of ignorance; the cause of all human suffering. He is a traditional saṁnyāsi (a renunciate who is engaged in a life of knowledge, having taken vows).
A master in the art of Yajur Veda chanting from southern India, Svāmī jī has traveled the world teaching Sanskrit, Vedic chanting, and Vedānta and being with us at trainings, with the grace of Ishwara!
Pūjya Śrī Svāmī Dayānanda Sarasvatī (1930 - 2015) is considered the leading figure in the renaissance of Advaita Vedānta study in the late 20th century. "Teacher of teachers," Pūjya Svāmī jī took up the dikṣa saṁnyāsa in 1962 under the guidance of Svāmī Cinmayānanda Sarasvatī.
Pūjya Svāmī jī studied the complete traditional teaching methodology of his sadguru, Svāmī Praṇavānanda. He then refined his teaching skills by studying the Brahma Sūtras with Pūjya Svāmī Tārānanda Giri of Kailash Ashrama in Rishikesh.
In 1972, Svāmī Dayānanda began the first of what would become 10 three-year courses that would take place over the next 40 years. These courses focused on the study of the Advaita Vedānta and Sanskrit. Pūjya Svāmī jī established four traditional teaching centers for the express purpose of Vedānta and Sanskrit study.
These centers are located in Rishikesh (Uttarakhand), Annaikatti (Tamil Nadu) and Nagpur (Maharashtra) in India, and Saylorsburg, PA in the United States.
The Saṁgha of these teachers can be found in places as diverse as California, Madras, Reunion, Sweden, Hawaii and Brazil and in many others around the world, such as our Saṁgha here in France.
Pūjya Śrī Svāmī Dayānanda Sarasvatī's contribution to the study of the Vedānta is incalculable. His legacy, through learning centers, recorded discourses, books, and, above all, teachers, will continue to bless the world for many years to come.--
Anandi - Audrey Fiorini & Ivan Houssay
Founders of Domaine de Coat Cren & Yoga School Bretagne
Audrey: Naturopath Heilpraktiker HPG, Senior Vedanta Teacher, Akashic Reading Companion
Ivan: Environmental trainer and advisor, Kundalini Sama Yoga teacher, co-director Domaine de Coat Cren
Sagara Vidya - Yoga School Bretagne
Domaine de Coat Cren
Vidya Tirtham Vedic Center
56 160