Yoga School Bretagne

Calendar of workshops, courses and yoga retreats

Vedanta mornings at the Vedic Center and on Zoom

Next Workshop: contact us

✨You'relooking for a fast-paced course to nurture your Spirituality and enable you to embody it in your everyday life.

  • Vedanta mornings" are workshops reserved for students already initiated into Vedic teachings: we'll be studying this delightful text "Mundaka Upanishad" by Swami Dayananda Saraswati.


  • They take place 2 mornings a month in 3-hour workshops, from 7am to 10am on Friday mornings. Meditation, Pranayama, Sama Yoga, Vedic study and spiritualization of our daily lives.

Retreat in Bali

19th to 30th - March 2025 -Nyepi

✨Get ready for an Initiatory Process of Awakening, to grow your Anchorage, your Intuition, your Heart of Compassion in contact with a Balinese tradition anchored in its rituals and offerings on a daily basis!

Harmony Hannigan, Ivan Houssay, Audrey Fiorini, Swami Vagishananda

  • This retreat of physical and spiritual transformation is offered to you in a context of great beauty and benevolence.

  • Group sessions, teachers and initiations will enable you to integrate yoga as an art of living and personal development.

Yoga Teacher Training

April 11 to 20, 2025

✨Apath of body awakening and Consciousness to embody your Spirituality : Yoga

Bénédicte Zanon, Ivan Houssay, Audrey Fiorini, Swami Vagishananda

  • The "Yoga & Vedanta" teacher training course at Vidya Tirtham is an exploratory study of the space of Self-Knowledge, Jnanam, through the different Yoga styles.

  • You must be ready for great physical and emotional transformations, for the melting of the ego, like a two-sided coin that we will recast in the light of the Tools of Vedanta! meditation and the Vedanta Art of Living.

It offers an exclusive Yoga Alliance® certification program, evolving over 200-300-500h.


Sacred Feminine
Module Durga - Lakshmi - Saraswati

April 25 to 27, 2025

✨Livean initiatory process through the 3 great Archetypes of the Sacred Feminine of the Hindu Goddesses to align yourself with your Dharma & open your Life path!

 Audrey Fiorini & Docteur Le Guenno

  •  Meditations on our different stages of Womanhood in constant growth

  • Water Spirit Rituals & Feminine Intimacy Ceremonies, Offerings and Celebrations for Cycles and Passages
  • Intervention by a Gynecological Doctor
teacher training

Yoga and Writing

April 30 to May 4, 2025

✨Free the beast

Céline Chambat & Sophie Winter (Yoga Ways - Portugal)

Writing and yoga are powerful tools for introspection and self-knowledge. The 2 together make an explosive mix!  

  • You have an issue to raise, projects in progress to refine or unblock.

  • You want to take time for yourself, to listen to your feelings and put your thoughts down.

  • You love to write and want to dive deep into yourself through therapeutic writing.



Retraite au Masculin

May 9 to 11, 2025

✨TheEmpowered Man

Ivan Houssay Indra & Jorge Alvares - Mentoring for men


  • It's a space to feel courageous, empowered and enthusiastic, "EMPOWERED" by the idea of evolving and developing.


  • A space where you are supported and secure as you develop a fuller, deeper, more established relationship with all aspects of your life. Where you are seen and supported on the journey that is YOU.

"There are times when you may feel confused, don't worry, everything is fine."

Divandha Practitioner Training at the Vedic Center and on Zoom

June 19, 2025 for 10 Modules over 1 year

✨Professional trainingbased on the Divandha® method
Presential & Direct Online

Audrey Fiorini

Open to all, healthcare professionals and non-professionals alike, on application.

  • Find your place by opening your Vision & perceptions : Your Siddhi

  • Put more awareness into your choices, so that your Life is aligned with your script, the Prarabdha & decipher what the infinitely intelligent Order wants best for you

  • Understand the meaning of what drives you, the best scenario that 1 has planned for you! (script) 

The foundation and essence of our training is Vedanta, the Vedic & shamanic teachings.

outdoor yoga

Healing Circle Retreat
"Belles & Re-Belles

July 11 to 14, 2025

✨Cercledes guérisseuses
"Belles and Re-belles.

Laurence Robin (Coach-Mentor) & Audrey Fiorini

  • You'd like to listen to the melody of your Being, while going beyond your repetitive brakes to experience the sacred rhythms that write the notes of a smiling inner ecology.

  • We choose to praise slowness and yet accelerate your Growth
  • Contemplation, relaxation and a zest for life to grow taller, safer and freer 
teacher training

Yoga Therapy!

August - Yoga Thérapeutique des Méridiens Cycle 2

✨Therapeutic Yoga: Fusion between Jin Shin Jyutsu, Japanese medicine and Sama Yoga :

  • Study of flow/meridian routes & boards

  • Visualization of the Meridian / Meditation 

  • Flow and organ-related practices

  • Symptoms & Energy Diagnosis 

  • JSJ Self-Help Practice

  • Therapeutic yoga combined with JSJ, the Art of the Creator through Compassionate Man, will support your 12 Organ energy functions, which share our 12 months of the year and our 24 hours of the day!


Cranio Sacré: 2 Training Cycles

September 2025

Biodynamic craniosacral healing: Presence creates a space and deepens intimacy

 Jean Manuel Nadeau 

  • Our bodies have developed in a sacred space, and it's these dynamics and this intelligence that we'll learn to observe in order to place ourselves in a listening posture and enter into dialogue with the body's consciousness. 

  • This series of training courses is designed for those interested in presence, heart perception and the power of non-invasive touch.

The Couple and its Mysteries
"Sacralizing our relationship and intimacy".

September 26 to 28, 2025

✨"We share our meltdowns, our loves, our explosions, our tools, our weaknesses and our mingled strengths."

Ivan Houssay & Audrey Fiorini

You can learn to walk in the world, hand in hand with your partner, in a deep state of empowerment, magnetism and love of the most magical kind.

  • Relationships become more enriching, you're more deeply connected to your body, mind and heart...

  • You unlock the kind of intimate, spiritual & sexual experiences that are only available to people who truly understand the power of Love energy...

Yoga Teacher Training

October 17 to 26, 2025

✨Apath of body awakening and Consciousness to embody your Spirituality : Yoga

Bénédicte Zanon, Ivan Houssay, Audrey Fiorini, Swami Vagishananda

  • The "Yoga & Vedanta" teacher training course at Vidya Tirtham is an exploratory study of the space of Self-Knowledge, Jnanam, through the different Yoga styles.

  • You must be ready for great physical and emotional transformations, for the melting of the ego, like a two-sided coin that we will recast in the light of the Tools of Vedanta! meditation and the Vedanta Art of Living.

It offers an exclusive Yoga Alliance® certification program, evolving over 200-300-500h.

What is a yoga retreat?

A yoga retreat is both a physical and spiritual experience that allows you to cut yourself off from your daily life for a period of time (2 to 4 days) in order to practice the Sama Yoga and Vedanta teachings more deeply in a relaxing environment.

The benefits of yoga retreats in Brittany ?

After a yoga retreat, you will regain energy, vitality, like an energetic reset that occurs thanks to the different yoga practices, relaxation times and the Ayurvedic diet.
This true journey of self-discovery allows you to adopt new habits: to reconnect with yourself, to recharge your batteries, to deepen your yoga practice, to eat better, to offer yourself time for yourself and to breathe better.
Simply a transformative experience bathed in Vedic teachings and this idyllic location!

Why try immersion?

Our yoga retreats are held in peaceful and enchanting environments between lakes, ponds and the beautiful forest that is home to this peaceful place. During this immersion, you will also meet friends who share a common interest and passion forming a true group dynamic.
Our values, our sincere commitment, welcomes you in this privileged and consecrated place with its permaculture approach and its energy autonomy. We take you to a universe where all conditions are met to let go while connecting with the elements of nature, listening to the birds singing and watching the stars.

In short, to go on a yoga retreat is to enjoy a space of caring, relaxation, sharing and joy. You will live a transforming experience not only linked to a practice on a mat but real advice and a sharing of know-how to integrate it durably in your daily life. You will carry this state of presence into your relationships, your work, your activities and especially into yourself.