- 400g of dark chocolate
- 10 tbsp of coconut oil
-2 tablespoons of vegetable milk
-6 tablespoons of soy cream
-4 tablespoons of coconut syrup (depending on the bitterness of the chocolate!)
- some really good vanilla bean, or any kind of spice you like with chocolate, like cardammom, pepper ....
Break 400g of dark chocolate into a bowl and add 10 tablespoons of coconut oil, melt it all in a bain-marie.
Once melted, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable milk, 6 tablespoons of soy cream and 4 tablespoons of coconut syrup (with some slightly sweet leather chocolates, I don't add any sugar!).
Mix well. Depending on taste, add a little vanilla or cardamom ....
Put the whole under film in the refrigerator. When the dough has set. You can use a spoon and your fairy hands to create beautiful balls that you will dip in raw cocoa powder or grated coconut.
Enjoy and wonderful Christmas to you!!! Om