Yoga School Bretagne

The Armistice of Our Own Heart!

"An Armistice to myself! The end of the fighting ... "

November 11 celebrates the cessation of conflict and the end of the First World War. Have you noticed that in Your Own World, fights and inner conflicts feed, follow one another, then fade away and give way to sweet and short-lived truces?

Today, is it really a surprise to see our planetary frontiers ignite, at a time when in our interiors, boils, pressures, depressions and jealousies waltz to the hormonal rhythms of our passionate awakenings!

So here are some Yogic and Vedic prescriptions to apply to yourself:

- Ahimsa : Non Violence and Kindness to oneself, finding oneself beautiful, loving oneself with sincerity, hugging, cuddling, saying words of tenderness to oneself while throwing away judgments and blames! Prioritize the relationships and people that increase and fill you up, the activities and practices that lighten you up and give you light on the foundations of Happiness.

- Satya: the Truth, the one that comes to show you your tendencies to lies, the one that lifts the excuses of laziness or not taking responsibility, the projections on our loved ones, this truth that you see in the little tongue of a cat that licks your thumb lovingly (like Feather, right here as I write to you and melt in front of this little cat, pure and transparent), just for love, pure Truth.

- Brahmacharya : Measure and Moderation, it is it that keeps you in Equanimity, Sama, that preserves us from extremes, offers us the comfort of the in-between, " The Sacred shades of Grey ". This Way is the one of our Sama Yoga, a teaching and a reflection that helps you to walk, to express yourself, to embrace your humanity by letting go of the bunch!

When Fabrice Midal tells you to "Go to peace", he is talking about the light that we release when we learn to love ourselves, to embrace this shadow with measure, to soften the emotions that are too strong and to give back the tenderness of the equanimous between two.


Hari Om Tat Sat. Anandi

We look forward to seeing you at our next Armistice Rendezvous together!


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