A NEW YEAR'S MEDITATION! See you on the 31st at 1:00 PM: for 30 guided minutes!

During this passage to the new year, I understand that the time is for a clear intention: the Sankalpa. This is the theme of our month of January!
Does this intention, Sankalpa in Sanskrit, have to produce an expectation? Engage the "struggle"? a fight?
No, of course not!
Then in our meditation, we will feel how rare it is to be physically awake, but with a mind that is not on, not engaged with thoughts in a personal way, to keep the intention in the still place.
So there is nothing to do.
So why meditate? To live our true nature of Peace!!!
We do not have to follow the channels of thought or mind. We recognize that we are leaving the original sources from which everything springs, Being. There is a non engagement with the phenomena of thoughts, feelings, wills.
In this space, there is nothing to do.
But this has to be discovered by the seeker, the Sakshi, who understands that he himself is the source of silence, this source of the Self. Any intention to be like this or like that would itself be a movement within the non-movement of the peaceful Self. It is that which would be superimposed on the silent nature of the peaceful Self.
It is through meditation, in silence, that I can discover it.
I propose a silent guided meditation for this passage to the year 2021, together, Thursday at 13:00 for 30 minutes! In Facebook Live !