Have you ever wondered what you were doing here?
Of your true nature as a man or woman?
How you were going to contribute to this world?
If YES, then you have entered VICHAARA: "Discriminative Enquiry": Aatmaa's Discerning and Objective Inquiry into the Nature of the Self.
Traditionally, in the study of Vedanta, you will be guided by a Sampradaayavit: a traditional teacher, who unlocks the words of the upanishads and reveals the implicit measure of the sacred texts. This discovery with our mentors takes us quietly on the path of our noble Leader.
It is thus through this study of the sacred word collected Vichaara and offered in the Sruti (Upanishads, Gita, Mahaabharata, Tattwabodha ....) that we conduct with confidence and determination this "Self Enquiry", this discerning and objective questioning on the real nature of the Self : Aham Satyam.
It offers us the understanding of the difference with what is only subjective reality: Jagat Mithyaa, that fleeting and individual illusion.
All our Life, we pass from Jagat Mithyaa, the individual subjective (this is good, this is not good...), to the clear knowledge of Aham Satyam ("In my perception, this is good," ....)
So look at your thoughts, they become your words,
Watch your words, they become your action,
Watch your actions, they become your habit,
Look at your habits, they become your character,
Look at your character, it becomes your destiny.
As you cultivate in the Self, you Become.
Be that leader for yourself, the one who takes 100% responsibility for everything you think, say, and do and the Vichaara will offer all those fruits, visible and invisible!!!
Every day I can reach out to the invisible, which is becoming visible through Vichaara , this unknown grace factor, through studies, prayers and offerings.
It is a beautiful act of expressing our gratitude to always be learning, to find our way as a Leader for ourselves and share the infinite blessings with the World!
That's what's in store for us in 5 days !!!! With the start of Module 2 of the "Sama Yoga & Vedanta" teacher training!!!
Follow us during these 10 days, we will post lots of pictures and videos on Insta and Facebook!
With Love and Grace!!!