DECEMBER: The Force of Decision: NISHCAYA!
"If you want something in your life that you've never had, you'll have to DECIDE on something you've never chosen before and DECIDE. Anandi
Indeed, so often students say to me, "I know, I get it, but I'm having trouble putting it together!"
Then Vedanta comes to you and says: "You have three crucial steps to live, manifest and see born what you wish".
The values you believe in and the apparent forms, Upaadhih, of what you wish to live depend on 3 keys, 3 steps:
These three KEYS, steps are :
1- Nishcaya - The Decision
2- Sankalpa - The intention
3- Abhyaasa - Putting into Action.
In this article we will focus on the first NISHCAYA.
All visible form has its source in the mind. Think for example of an architecture like a Haussmann building, a Temple or a School. Before being erected of stone, earth and glass, the idea of constructing the building in its proportions, its materials, its function, was born in the mind of a human, a group of humans.
Everything we have created in this world was first created in the mind, whether it be the most beautiful wonders or the worst horrors. We then understand the importance of Satwa: the consciousness that is at the origin of a DECISION, itself at the origin of Action.
The decision filled with Joy and enthusiasm, is very powerful, focused on the goal, without being attached to it, powerfully you move forward in your voice.
It is an emanating Yang principle, both subtle and earthly manifest.
A little exercise for You:
From today, you can integrate in your meditation, in your contemplation: NISHCAYA.
Your Meditation - Close Your Eyes: Welcome the value of the Decision, understand how crucial it will be in directing the energy to the next two steps: the Sankalpa, which will download the Decision from the Intention, and then Abhyaasa, which will put the Decision and the Value it carries into Action.
Accept a decision, important to you, let it be defined, take time to clarify, perhaps through images, through words you hear, through sentences you see written in front of your closed eyes, whatever the organ of meaning involved, let the decision be defined and sealed. There you have it, the relationship to Nishcaya is being put in place.
It is a crucial moment, like a new habit, a new learning, like 1 & 1 make 2, for the rest of our life.
Beautiful practice, daily, decided, committed, without compromise.
Om Durgayai Namaha