Yoga School Bretagne






1- Pila Malayé tradition

 "You told me that birds give their Lives to heal, and since everything is connected in this infinitely Great Universe, and without limits of time or space, I want this feather to be the symbol of this Union, to be your Hand and that of the spirits, to be your Light and to be beyond that too, Healing for Universal Love." Purdey (Sweet Bear)

The Pila Malayé ritual: It proposes that Women go to the Sea and Men go to the Stones at the Winter Solstice (and the reverse at the Summer Solstice). With Sage as your Medicine Plant and White Bison as your Power Animal, you can go to the Waves or Menhirs and offer the Sage Smoke the ancient memories of what you're ready to entrust to the Great Spirit, wrapping yourself in its Smoke. Then you will call forth through The Power of the White Bison, (you will visualize it, you will smell its strength, its odors and its power), the force of Peace it has come to witness on Earth and to Men by uttering this prayer: "O MITAKUYE OYASIN".

"We Lakotas believe that everything created by God is sacred, and as part of Creation we are also 'connected'. Whenever we pray, we end our prayers with the words "MITAKUYE OYASIN" (We are all connected). With this little phrase, we pray for all things." Chief Archie Fire Lame Deer.

"Thanks to Smiling Bear Heart who introduced me to the Pila Malayé tradition and Shamanic Vision Opening in the 2004s." Audrey-Anandi
2 - Tradition of Jeshua

The name Jeshua comes from the ancient Hebrew form of the verb "to save". This ritual is inscribed in a heart free of any religious form since it comes from a direct light channeling, from his Sacred Golden Heart of unconditional compassion. In the midst of thousands of looks of love mixed with those of hate; he showed an unconditional equanimity, an unwavering Love without even a Hai! for all those he calls his children, those who in their suffering, were able to transpose, to transfer their own fears of mortal Being on him who could only love them and heal them with his Love. 

The Jeshua ritual: When you're near the treeIn this way, you'll connect with your Infinite Heart of Love, which he calls the Sacred Golden Heart. This space is unlimited, like Guha in the Vedic tradition, the cave of the Heart of infinite compassion, the one who loves in ease as well as in adversity. Here, you can present a candle accompanied by a white flower, and give back to the ray of Jeshua's Heart all that has not been Love, which can be entrusted and deposited there. Let the power of your infinite nature, through the flower, heal and love you. Place the Flower at the foot of the tree, the candle in your living room, and let the Magic of Christmas take place: the Magic of Being Born, again and again...

Once again the Avatars love each other, mingle and meet. They all belong to the altar of a Heart of Tolerance and Unlimited Knowledge, the same Pantheon: Jnanam.

"Thanks to my Masters who taught me the knowledge of non-division: Advaita Vedanta: The Art of Non-Duality. Thank you to Maïa Sacred Earth for the mirror that she allowed in my reading of this message of Love on this eve of a meaningful and conscious Christmas". Audrey-Anandi

3- Druidic tradition

Ancestral custom has it that on this night, we connect with the soul of the tree by means of a piece of wood you've picked up. You'll need a candle, or a branch you've picked up in good conscience.

The Yule ritual: When you set out to find your stick, take a moment to let your roots sink into the earth, symbolically anchoring yourself. Then ask to be guided to your stick, letting your senses make the decisions. Take a moment to connect with the elements, pick up a candle and call upon Fire. Humbly ask him to accompany you through winter. This season initiates us into stripping away and bringing us back to basics. Let the answers come, and at the right moment, take your stick and hand your request for healing to the spirit of the tree.
Blow on it as many times as needed. Let the breath fill with what needs to be deposited. Before the next new moon (December 26), hand over your branch to the Earth with thanks. Then let the healing breath do its work...

Yule is the English form used to designate the winter solstice period among Scandinavian and British peoples linked to the power of cosmic cycles.


See you all on Monday, January 15, 2024 for the workshop

"PEPITES FOR 2024", in the heart of Numerology and Vedic Healing Rituals.




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