Yoga School Bretagne

Yoga & Food: Veg or Vegan - Sunday, February 3

Learn how to differentiate what makes you grow!
Boost your Energy Reserve
Purge your filters
Eliminate toxins and fatigue for a dynamic body and a powerful head!

Program :

1- Yoga practice: Asanas / Pranayama & organs of digestion
2- Discovery and deepening of Super Foods* : Dendelion - Moringa
Dendelion - Moringa - Chia !! and so many others to discover in this workshop !!!!
3- Recipes, Making and Tasting of a perfect VEG or VEGAN meal !!!
4- The world of Protein: a Vegetarian or Vegan diet is beneficial for the body, provided that you are well informed, learn and know how to satisfy your protein needs!

With Audrey FIORINI

Rates :
1/2 day :
45€ (70€)
55€ (non YSB members)
Full day :
75€ (130€ for a couple)
85€ (non YSB members)

Food included

15 people maximum !!! Register now!

* superfoods containing a very large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and other key nutrients for the body.

"I would like everyone to understand
that they can only rely on themselves,
that they are responsible for themselves,
that the body they have
I would like everyone to understand that they can only rely on themselves, that they are responsible for themselves, that the body they have must be managed like any other asset.
Doctor Catherine KOUSMINE

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