Our yoga teacher training courses are very often financed by private employers (companies, small and medium-sized businesses, associations, yoga studios, fitness centers, companies such as SFR, Procter and Gamble, Fast Retailing, etc.)
We hope that many job seekers will be able to benefit from our services.
To obtain a quote directly in your personal Kairos space, simply send us an email with your Pôle emploi ID and your department of residence.
Each year, tens of micro entrepreneurs (ex auto-entrepreneur) benefit from one or several expenses for their yoga training, in particular through the FIFPL and the Agefice.
Given the envelopes allocated and the fact that you will have to completely advance your training of yoga, you will profit from the tariff for private individual if you are auto-entrepreneurs
The potential funder of your yoga training will generally depend on your social and professional status.
Of course, we cannot know all the cases, but the main ones are listed below.
On the basis, and according to your rights, yes.
In general, we find that most organizations fully fund one to two courses maximum, plus in very rare cases.
It is therefore often preferable to target one or two courses rather than a series of courses.
Your consultants are the only people who can tell you more about this.
If you are a job seeker, you must first discuss your project with your advisor to ensure that financing is feasible.
Then, you just have to send us your Pôle emploi ID and your department of residence via the form below to receive a quote in your Pôle emploi Kairos space.
If you are a current employee or an employee in a conversion plan, whether it is a large group or a small association, your employer has several options:
In all cases, we advise you to contact your HRD or the person in charge of training in your structure to find out what is possible.
You will then have to request a quote and an educational file which we will send you very quickly.
Please note that currently you cannot use your CPF for a yoga teacher training
If you are an employee of a local authority such as a town hall, a regional council, a departmental council, an agglomeration of communes, etc., your training can be financed by public funds.
Here again, we advise you to contact your HR department or the person in charge of training in your company to find out about the possibilities.
You will then have to request a quote and an educational file which we will send you very quickly.
If you are an auto-entrepreneur / micro-entrepreneur and you wish to benefit from the training fund to which you contribute, you must contact the organization on which you depend (in 80% of cases the FIFPL or AGEFICE for yoga teachers).
These organizations allocate maximum annual envelopes.
Since you will have to pay the full amount of your training before it starts and you will be reimbursed by the funding organization afterwards, we have decided to allow you to benefit from the classic individual rate if you are covered by the FIFPL, without any extra charge applied for all other funding.
Write to us via the form below to ask for advice or simply to request a quote and an educational file that we will send you very quickly.
If your OPCO offers ready-made files (which may vary according to the region), please send them to us.
If you wish to guarantee your place, and you are willing to finance your training by your own means in the event that your request for financing is not successful(and only in this case) contact us via the form at the bottom of the page and indicate this mention.
If your file is successful, we will reimburse you the amounts paid, in proportion to the funding received, once the latter has actually been received, sometimes several months after the end of the training.
Do not register just to secure a place if you are not sure that you will be able to finance the training by your own means if your opco refuses to cover it.
We have many requests for funding.
In order to serve you better, we thank you in advance for respecting the steps indicated below, and for having previously made sure of the feasibility of your project with your referent within the requested funding organization.
You will save precious time (and so will we!), and you will be informed more quickly of your steps.
If necessary, we will not be able to answer you.
First of all, find out what your rights are, which funding agency to contact, the required terms and conditions, financial limits, deadlines, etc.
Once you have taken this information, contact us in order to receive the necessary elements for the instruction of your file. If your opco has a ready-made file, send it to us.
We will send you back the requested documents in a very short time so that you can present them to the concerned organization
Come back to us as soon as your application is accepted to finalize your registration
Provides training for yoga teachers with the following objectives:
It is intended for all, health professionals and non-professionals, upon application.
The foundation and essence of the training comes from Vedanta, the Vedic teachings.
We invite all women who feel inspired or want to spend time with their fellow women; to share, carry and honor each other.
One Saturday morning per month.