March 14 & 15, 2020
Saturday 10h00-17h00 and Sunday 10h00-16h00

1 - What is your Ayurvedic constitution!!!
- We will determine your constitution (Dosha) to find the basis for balancing
- TOOLS: Pulse test, questionnaire, physiognomy reading
2 - How can I rebalance myself?
We will explore the practice of Yoga, the hygiene of Life (AYUR): sleep, rhythms, types of massage, food, daily habits ...
3 - TOOLS :
3 Yoga practices by Dosha: Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire), Kapha (Earth-Water)

To know the Postures for my constitution, Meditations and Pranayama (breathing exercises) that increase me.

- 9 RECIPES : 3 types of Food by Dosha
- We cook together 3 recipes to balance Vata,
- 3 for Pitta, 3 for Kapha
To be autonomous and share with your loved ones in turn!!!
With Audrey FIORINI (Naturopath)
Rates : 145 € (+8 € participation/